7 Days To Die Setting Yourself As Admin for Steam and Epic Print

  • 7 Days To Die Setting Yourself As Admin, admin, 7 days to die
  • 51


This guide will show you how to make yourself Admin for Steam and Epic in 7 Days to Die

1. First off, open up the Game Control Panel and stop your server, as this is important.

2. Next up, click on Configuration Files.

3. Click the Text Editor button for the serveradmincustom.xml file.

You will see the following line:

  <!-- Name in any entries is optional for display purposes only -->
<!-- <user steamID="76561198021925107" name="Hint on who this user is" permission_level="0" /> -->
<!-- <group steamID="103582791434672565" name="Steam Universe" permission_level_default="1000" permission_level_mod="0" /> -->


4. Add the following line in between the <admins> and </admins> for Steam admin (Find your SteamID64 using this link: https://steamid.io/lookup):

<user platform="Steam" userid="YourSteamID64Here" permission_level="0" />


or add the following line for an Epic admin:

<user platform="EOS" userid="YourEpicOnlineServicesIDHere" permission_level="0" />



<admin steamID="76561198081237071" permission_level="0" />

5. Click save, and start your server, you should now be admin.

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