The following guide will show you how to mod your SOTF server
Firstly, access the Game Panel and navigate to your server.
Open the File manager for now since we need to download the mods first.

Download and install the Thunderstore mod manager here.
Most SOTF mods are client-sided and can be accessed through the mod launcher.

There are ways to install the client-side mods without the launcher.
Most mods on this site have instructions on how to install manually.
The majority of the mods need to have the Bepinex plugin to work.

The server needs to have the mods installed manually.
We have an integrated installation for Bepinex in our Game Panel's
Mod Manager for ease of installation for the other mods.
We have an integrated installation for Bepinex in our Game Panel's
Mod Manager for ease of installation for the other mods.

Once Bepenix is installed, a new Bepenix folder will appear
in the File manager. The plugin folder inside is where you will put
most of the mods DLL's. Some mods also have a config file where
you need to put in the config folder. The mod page usually has
instructions on how to add their mods but usually follow this format.
you need to put in the config folder. The mod page usually has
instructions on how to add their mods but usually follow this format.

Once all mods are uploaded, you can edit the config files in the config folder.
Some mods will only generate the cfg files once the server started at least once.
After uploading and editing, you can now start the server.

Be aware that even with mods installed on the server,
The game still requires the client to have manually installed
the same mods or have it installed in their Thunderstore mod manager.
If you are using the Thunderstore Mod Manager, you can share your mod profile with your friends.