This Guide Will Show You How To Import .SQL Files into PHPMYADMIN
1. Log in to the game control panel.
2. You can find your MySQL credentials on the MySQL Manager under Service Management.
3. Once you have retrieved your database username and password from here,
4. Navigate to your service and click the MySQL Web Management option then login to your database. Alternatively, you can login to Heidi SQL to manage your database.

5. Once logged in, you should see your phyMyAdmin Dashboard.

6. Select the database name on the top left, and then click the Import button:

7. Find the .sql file that you're looking to import:

NOTE: Some .SQL files have the following lines in them and need to be removed or edited
"USE `essentialsmode`" or just "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXIST `nameofdb`"
Change these to match the database name, or just delete them and save the file before importing.
Upon importing the .sql file, you should see a screen like this to confirm the upload was successful:

If you did not get a screen like this, please review you file for the problem that will be listed in the MYSQL import screen or contact Citadel Servers personnel for assistance.
Did the above information not work for you? Please click here to contact our support via a ticket.

5. Once logged in, you should see your phyMyAdmin Dashboard.

6. Select the database name on the top left, and then click the Import button:

7. Find the .sql file that you're looking to import:

NOTE: Some .SQL files have the following lines in them and need to be removed or edited
"USE `essentialsmode`" or just "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXIST `nameofdb`"
Change these to match the database name, or just delete them and save the file before importing.
Upon importing the .sql file, you should see a screen like this to confirm the upload was successful:

If you did not get a screen like this, please review you file for the problem that will be listed in the MYSQL import screen or contact Citadel Servers personnel for assistance.
Did the above information not work for you? Please click here to contact our support via a ticket.